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  • SmartXChange NordHessen

    EPIX Online Workshop: “Smart energy, mobility technologies and ICT solutions for smart cities!”

EPIX Online Workshop: “Smart energy, mobility technologies and ICT solutions for smart cities!”

Look forward to three exciting hours with informative impulses and valuable new contacts. Meet Smart City and Smart Region enthusiasts and take away new ideas and inspiration for your daily work.

The Cluster of Mobility (MoWiN.net e.V.) within the Regional Management Northern Hesse (RMNH) are partner of the EPIX (Eco-system Partnership for Interclusters and smart cities eXchanges) Project. In addition to this project, there are many others that have a connection into the field of Smart City at Regionalmanagment Northern Hesse.

We would like to bring all projects together under the umbrella of EPIX and invite you to an exciting online exchange workshop. EPIX aims at reinforcing a business relationship between its cluster-partners, SMEs, and cities in the booming world of Smart Cities. EPIX will encourage clusters and entrepreneurs to participate in “smart city” interventions, creating business-oriented networking and upskilling opportunities. Together we discuss visions and challenges in the areas of mobility, decentralised energy technologies and ICT.

Date: 07th July 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 am



10:00    Opening and Welcome 

Dr. Astrid Szogs (Managing Director of MoWiN.net e.V.)

10:10   Impulse from Northern Hesse

Kai Georg Bachmann (CEO of the Regionalmanagement Northern Hesse)  


10:20   Impulse and Introducing the EPIX Project

Marta Krakowiak (Project Manager at ELCA Europe) 

10:30   Company Pitches
RoadSense Advanced Technologies LTD 
Baruch Gueta (CEO & Co-founder)

RoadSense is a start up from Israel. PaaS (Platform as a Service) is a solution that monitors the public space in real-time without any privacy breach, digitizes the information, adding additional essential data layers, to solve countless use cases in the public space, related to safety, HLS, equality, and well-being.

Layer Four GmbH & Co. KG

Jan Scheller (CDO & Founder)

Layer Four is a startup from Kassel, Germany. Together with the municipal utilities of one of Germany's largest cities, the company has already implemented a smart city project. In addition, Layer Four has extensive knowledge in the areas of blockchain/NFT as well as zero knowledge proof, which can be regarded as basic technologies in the field of smart cities.

blackshield.security UG

Hans Honi (CEO)

blackshield.security is a startup from Kassel. The philosophy of blackshield is to enable companies to establish IT security sustainably. The focus here is on simple communicationand up-to-date technologies. Security tools are constantly evolving, blackshield is evolving with them. The solutions are tailored to the requirements of the companies, without product constraints or one-sided advice.


11:10 Presentation of the impulses in the panel discussions
To be able to connect the various projects and inputs/outputs from the regional management of North Hesse and at the same time to build bridges/networks between the EPIX partners, we would like to invite you to the Panel discussions tackling two different angles of Smart City and Smart Innovation Concepts. First Panel will be focusing on the digital transformation on ICT Solutions for Companies, Cities and Regions.

The second panel will pick up the ICT/IoT perspectives and discuss the mobility concepts of tomorrows Smart City by giving a brief overview of different breakout sessions. The breakout rooms will be moderated by experts from the respective field/industry and all participants can have an international exchange and network.
We will be holding several workshops and digital networking sessions in the coming months to further participate in an international ecosystem partnership, which will allow us to be able to build deeper connections cluster partnerships, the SMEs, and the regional players.

11:15 Panel discussions

Panel 1 ICT Technologies: Lars-Christian Heimburger & Judith Dorn (Project Manager of the Cluster of ICT RMNH)

The digital transformation will continue to decisively change the economy and society in the coming decades. The Internet of Things (IoT) plays an essential role in networking the analog world. The handling of sensors and communication modules as well as their integration into cloud applications are the prerequisite for new applications and business models.

Panel 2 Smart Mobility: Dr. Astrid Szogs (Cluster of Mobility MoWiN.net.e.V) & Baruch Gueta (CEO of RoadSense)
The smart mobility ecosystem contains in its definition a wide range of alternative modes of transportation, including traditional gas and electric vehicles, bike and scooter share programs, autonomous vehicles, rail lines, even augmented traffic realities where road space is designated for specific types of transport at different points throughout the day.

12:00 Q&A with the with the participating companies and cluster organization

12:30 End of the Workshop


Registration SmartXChange Epix

Registration SmartXChange Epix


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