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    The INTERREG IVB project ENEVATE, successfully completed in 2013, had the goal of a simplified and accelerated introduction of electromobility to northwestern Europe through the coordination of international collaboration between the public sector and private companies. As a result of a thoroughly successful collaboration, the project partners decided to continue the collaboration and to apply for the project extension, "ENEVATE 2.0." In contrast to ENEVATE, the project extension ENEVATE 2.0 focused on electromobility in rural areas.


    NISTO stands for "New Integrated Smart Transport Options." This is a European project funded by Interreg IVB with partners from a total of seven countries in northwestern Europe. This EU project addresses measures and concepts for optimized transport in respect of "intelligent mobility." Because no transnational evaluation method which can be applied by planners has previously existed in Europe, the goal is to develop a method which provides transnational support for future planning projects.


    As part of the trans-disciplinary joint project KLIMZUG-Nordhessen, structures, institutions, products and services were developed, implemented and tested in North Hesse which ensure close cooperation on climate change between science, business, communal groups and political decision-makers. Under the title "Climate change network for the model region of North Hesse," the joint application of the University of Kassel and of Regionalmanagement won out against strong competition and was selected by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) as one of five model regions.


    The internationally operating technology transfer center Metakus was opened in Baunatal. The transfer center originated from a joint initiative of industry, the University of Kassel and Hessian regional and state political institutions, and operates as an institution of Uni-Kassel-Transfer GmbH.

  • FREE

    The goal of the "FREE" project was the provision of a sustainable transport offering from a single source. The integration of electric cars and pedelecs in the public transport offering, in cooperation with hosts and institutions, should provide visitors to the North Hesse region with the opportunity to arrive without their own car and to be mobile here at all times. In order to make the use of this new transport offering easier, the charging infrastructure will be expanded, a cross-provider information and booking system implemented and integrated ticket solutions developed.

  • TCAS - Transnational Clustering in the Automotive Sector

    During the 6th research framework program of the EU, the mobility cluster of Regionalmanagement Nordhessen, together with six other European regions from Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland, France and Great Britain, participated in the TCAS project ("Transnational Clustering in the Automotive Sector") from 2005 to 2008. The goal of the project, under the consortium leadership of HessenAgentur GmbH, was to network European regions with automotive supply focuses together and to bring the companies in the respective regions into contact.

  • Prozessoptimierte KMU
    Process-optimized SME

    The shortage of skilled workers impedes the human resources planning and ultimately also the growth of small and medium-sized companies in particular. The goal of the optimization measures developed was to create free resources in the widest variety of production and order processes and to implement them at other locations in the company to increase efficiency.

  • Sintropher

    Sintropher is a European Community project of 23 mil. Euros in scope and a term of 5 years. The goal is the promotion of local and regional transport systems in five peripherally located regions of northwestern Europe.



One of the five core goals of the Europe 2020 strategy of the European Union includes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 20% in comparison to 1990. This goal has effects on many industries, including the transport industry.
This is set against the high dependency of transport on fossil fuel sources as well as a continually growing energy demand in this sector. The fact that fossil fuels are finite and that a sustainable contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions must be made as quickly as possible for climate protection is known to all players.
Electromobility represents the only practicable solution for a quick changeover to sustainable technologies in transport. In the ENEVATE project – European Network on Electric Vehicles and Transferring Expertise – partners from six different northwestern European countries work together to advance the development and introduction of this technology. Rapid and coordinated action is required in order to open up this still young market and to remain viable against rising competition.
In order to position Hesse in this subject area, Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH participated in the ENEVATE project with its mobility cluster.



The stated goal of the ENEVATE network is to support a rapid introduction of e-mobility in northwestern Europe. By means of structured, transnational collaboration and cooperation between authorities, science and innovation centers and agents of business, knowledge is imparted, information is disseminated and the conversion is made easier. In this way, ENEVATE builds bridges between the relevant players, who previously acted on their own.
The project work is not only intended to support innovations in the electric vehicle sector, but also the expansion of the energy infrastructure, such as with charging stations. Both motorized individual transport as well as public transport and goods transport are considered. To coordinate developments in the field of electromobility, the partners develop integrated transport concepts. In order to implement the use of the new technology, the project also focuses on acceptance-promoting measures with consumers and authorities. ENEVATE thus provides decisive impulses for implementing the Europe 2020 goals and for simultaneously bringing about long-term improvement of the transport infrastructure. Another positive effect of the accelerated changeover to environmentally friendly transport is that increased investments are initiated in these fields and jobs are created in northwestern Europe. Together, competitive advantages in the global market of electromobility can be secured.



INTERREG supports cooperation between the cities, regions and member states of the European Union and is part of the goal 3 "European territorial cooperation" with three orientations: cross-border collaboration, transnational collaboration and interregional collaboration. Projects are funded in connection with the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE).




ENEVATE 2.0 project extension

Because a majority of projects already developed to promote e-mobility in western Europe concentrate on large cities and adjoining regions, the ENEVATE 2.0 project extension attempts to develop ideas and concepts that contribute to the establishment of e-mobility in rural areas. Knowledge especially gained from the ENEVATE project will be used for this purpose.


Projectpartners ENEVATE 2.0



The German government wants one million electric vehicles on Germany's roads by 2020, and six million by 2030. For this purpose, grants amounting to around 500 million euros have already been distributed in 2009 and 2011 under the German government's economic stimulus package II; 130 million euros were allocated to eight so-called "model regions". A new funding programme that focuses on electric transport will again support model regions throughout Germany. Grants amounting to around 67 million euros will be made available for this.
The FREE project is part of the "Allianz Elektromobilität", the alliance for electric transport, and will receive funding within the scope of the "Electromobility Model Region Rhine-Main" programme from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. NOW GmbH, the National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, is responsible for the coordination of the programme.



The FREE project aims to make a range of sustainable transport options available from one source. The integration of electric cars and pedelecs into the public transport alternatives in cooperation with host organisations and institutions would make it possible for visitors to leave their cars at home when they come to the North Hesse region and still allow them to travel around locally at all times. To make it easier to use this new transport offer, the charging infrastructure will be expanded, a provider-independent information and booking system will be realised, and integrated ticket solutions will be developed.


The federal government funds comprehensive electric transport pilot projects in Germany. The Rhine-Main Model Region has received funds from the Federal Ministry of Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) within the scope of the federal programme "Electromobility Model Regions" since 2009. The "Electromobility Model Regions" are coordinated by NOW GmbH, the National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.










Adapting to the consequences of climate change, such as extreme weather events, increasing average temperatures, heating periods and snowless winters, as well as changes to precipitation patterns, represents one of the greatest challenges for science and practice. Because the consequences of climate change affect the widest variety of areas in society, the development of an adaptation strategy for a region requires the common efforts of all relevant players. For this reason, the Federal Government is supporting the formation of networks which research and test measures for adapting to climate change in seven different regions of Germany, with the program KLIMZUG "Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfähig gestalten" (Sustainable design for climate change in regions) North Hesse is one of these model regions. In the action fields of scenarios, resources, energy, transport, tourism & health and society, partners develop measures and strategies for adapting the region to climate change and implement them in practice.



As part of the trans-disciplinary joint project KLIMZUG-Nordhessen, structures, institutions, products and services are developed, implemented and tested in North Hesse which ensure close cooperation on climate change between science, business, communal groups and political decision-makers.
Under the title "Climate change network for the model region of North Hesse", the joint application of the University of Kassel and of Regionalmanagement won out against strong competition and was selected by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) as one of five model regions.

All three sub-projects in the transport field - Adaptation strategies in a) passenger transport, b) urban commercial transport and c) operational transport - were recognized as eligible. The project c) is coordinated by the Association MoWiN.net e.V. The costs for these services are completely financed by contributions of the BMBF. The KLIMZUG-Nordhessen network consists of 18 research and nine complementary practical projects, in four intertwined, functional work areas. Through an intensive exchange between researchers and regional implementation partners, the practical needs of the region for adapting to climate change influence the research, just as, in the reverse, the research results influence the adaptation measures.
In the action field of transport, the effects of climate change on various transport types in North Hesse are analyzed and forecasted. Corresponding adaptation strategies are derived based on transport and mobility management measures. In two research projects, transport-related measures and adaptation strategies for climate change are developed, both in commercial transport, by safeguarding the inner-city supply, as well as in passenger transport. The measures and discussed and coordinated with "on site" actors.

With the "MoWiN.net" network, there is a mobility economy network recognized as exemplary across Europe which, as an implementation partner, transitions the recommendations into a regional strategy. The goal is the development of a coordinated plan for mobility management, with a focus on operationally related transport.



KLIMZUG-Nordhessen was promoted as one of seven model regions within the framework of the call for tender "KLIMZUG" (Sustainable Climate Change in Regions) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) over a period of five years (2008-2013).


Project results

Some of the project results of the KLIMZUG Nordhessen project, from the Mobility field (sub-projects U6, V1 and V2) are available for download in the following. Please contact the authors in case of any inquiries.


Sub-project U6: Adaptation strategies in operationally related passenger transport

  • KLIMZUG Climate adaptation action guidelines, mobility and transport for companies (PDF, 3 MB)


Sub-project V1: Adaptation strategies in passenger transport; particularly in training and professional transport


Sub-project V2: Adaptation strategies in urban commercial transport



Research and Development

The idea for the METAKUS metal forming application center originated at the mobility economy round table and was coordinated and developed further in this context by Regionalmanagement. METAKUS is the external R&D mainstay for the metalworking and metal processing industry and is intended to benefit small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. It was implemented together with regional businesses and the support of the State of Hesse in Baunatal.




The NISTO project is developing a new and integrated methodology ("toolkit") for optimized and sustainable transport planning. It takes a particularly holistic approach: the approach is that mobility projects are more successful when the following five key elements of mobility, economy, environmental quality, safety and customer satisfaction are taken into consideration.


NISTO is an international collaborative project with a total of seven partners (and additional sub-partners) from Belgium, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Germany. It is funded by the European Commission in the INterreg IV NWE program.



The methodology shall be developed transnationally and support the work of planners across Europe. Furthermore, transfer of knowledge will be enabled in order to support new guidelines for mobility, safety and competitive ability in the EU, and to thereby fulfill the goals of the EU 2020 strategy.

Term: May 2013 – December 2015
Budget: 2,928 Mil. EUR

More information on the project can be found on the NISTO project page at:




INTERREG supports cooperation between the cities, regions and member states of the European Union and is part of the goal 3 "European territorial cooperation" with three orientations: cross-border collaboration, transnational collaboration and interregional collaboration. Projects are funded in connection with the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE).




TCAS - Transnational Cluster in the Automotive Sector
International Business

During the 6th research framework program of the EU, the mobility cluster of Regionalmanagement Nordhessen, together with six other European regions from Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland, France and Great Britain, participated in the TCAS project (Transnational Clustering in the Automotive Sector) from 2005 to 2008. The goal of the project, under the consortium leadership of HessenAgentur GmbH, was to intensively network European regions with automotive supply focuses together and to bring the companies in the respective regions into contact with each other. The EU Commission, General Directorate of Business & Industry, recognized this collaboration with the Europe INNOVA Network of the Year 2006 prize.

Track record TCAS - Dr. Gerrit Stratmann (Hessen Agentur GmbH) (PDF)

Process optimization in medium-sized enterprise

Process optimization in medium-sized enterprise

The shortage of skilled workers impedes the human resources planning and ultimately also the growth of small and medium-sized companies in particular. The goal of the optimization measures developed was to create free resources in the widest variety of production and order processes and to implement them at other locations in the company to increase efficiency.


Research and Development

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in production industries in particular feel the shortage of skilled workers and cannot continue to grow, due to lack of capacity. For this reason, Regionalmanagement Nordhessen implemented a pilot project for increasing efficiency in 2007/2008, together with the economic developer Werra-Meißner-Kreis GmbH and the Con Moto Consulting Group. The goal of the optimization measures was to create free resources in the widest variety of production and order processes and to implement them at other locations in the company to increase efficiency.



The improvement of the transport network within northwestern Europe - such as with high speed trains - has reduced travel times and particularly increased the number of trips between the metropolitan regions in Europe's economic center. In parallel to this, disadvantaged regions were created which continue to suffer poor accessibility. Even within the prospering central regions, there are areas which are relatively difficult to reach, although they are close to important transport nodes. The project's greatest challenge is therefore to address a growing marginalization of peripheral areas.



The North Hessian partners Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH, Kasseler Verkehrs-Gesellschaft AG (KVG), Nordhessischer Verkehrsverbund (NVV) and the University of Kassel, together with partner regions from Great Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, are investigating the use of so-called light rail concepts.

North Hesse acts as the most experienced partner and the best-practice example for the implementation of the RegioTram.

Regionalmanagement Nordhessen and Planungsgruppe Nord are examining the influence of the RegioTram on the economic development of the region, the involvement of large employers along the RegioTram route and the integration of stops as a marketing instrument.



INTERREG IVB Northwest Europe is a financial instrument of the cohesion policy of the European Union. The program invests funds from the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE) into the economic, ecological, social and spatial future of northwestern Europe (NWE). The funds are used for the co-financing of projects which increase the territorial capital of northwestern Europe in that they attempt to solve communal problems with the help of transnational collaboration.

