Kasseler Sparkasse

We consider it our obligation to promote regional economic structures and to increase the quality of life in the region. With the term "community savings bank," we define our responsibility to the economy, social concerns, popular and performance sports as well as for cultural variety in the region.
- As at 31 December 2015, this network consisted not only of 84 (+1 = "S-Campus", opened in 2016) staffed branches but also of 19 automated self-service branches, 5 commercial customer centres, 7 advice centres and a private banking centre.
- Leasing
- Factoring
- International business
- Interest and currency management
- Insurances (full agency) are integrated business fields
- Real estate brokerage business
Local bank for the medium-sized sector
Financially strong partner for the region
Expertise in all financial services
- 5 bil. Euro balance sheet total
- 4 bil. Euro customer deposits
- 3 bil. Euro customer credit volume

Mario Schormann
stellv. Bereichsdirektor Firmenkunden
Wolfschlucht 9
34117 Kassel
Phone: +49 561 7124 831-01
Fax: +49 561 7124 831-99
Website: www.kasseler-sparkasse.de