Universität Kassel - FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik
The primary research of the Department of Measurement and Control Technology focuses on touchless detection and processing of measured variables, as well as the analysis, modeling, control and optimization of dynamic processes. The application focus is on automotive, robotics/mechatronics as well as process and energy systems.
- Consultation and studies
- Contract, cooperative and associated research projects
- Touchless measurement processes and sensor data fusion
- Control technology and mathematical modeling
- Experimentation design, data analysis and operational optimization
- Formed in 2006, 2014/15 founding member of the Institute for System Analytics and Control
- 25 employees
- Model factory as well as remote measurement technology, robotics and control technology labs
- Focus on optical remote measurement technology/sensor data fusion as well as data-driven modeling for technical processes.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kroll
Leiter Fachgebiet
Mönchebergstr. 7
34125 Kassel
Phone: +49 561 804-3248
Fax: +49 561 804-2847
E-Mail: andreas.kroll@mrt.uni-kassel.de
Website: www.uni-kassel.de/fb15/mrt/