Universität Kassel - FG Projektmanagement
Projects are carried out in policy, culture and business/industry, among others. There is an enormous bandwidth of varying project types and sizes. The Department of Project Management concentrates on organizational structure and process design factors which play a role in the implementation of industrial projects in particular, as well as on the interactions between these factors and the people involved in the projects. Project management leads to transparent processes with clear goal orientation, high efficiency, early recognition of risks and effective controlling. This achieves cost savings, reduction of risk and greater deadline security.
- PM Office, PM Auditing/PM Analysis, P-controlling with characteristic values, etc., project monitoring, PL coaching, projecte evaluation/reviews/knowledge management, PM optimization, project risk management
- Teaching
- Research
- Services
- Chair at the University of Kassel
- Interdisciplinary research
- Teaching and practice in project management
- Expert partner for analysis
- Optimization and further development of project management.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konrad Spang
Leiter Fachgebiet
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
34132 Kassel
Phone: +49 561 804-4680
Fax: +49 561 804-4688
E-Mail: s.otto@uni-kassel.de
Website: www.uni-kassel.de